Microsoft Contractors Review Some Private Skype Calls And Cortana Recordings – 10minmail
Microsoft contractors review some private Skype calls and Cortana recordings 10minmail. By: D0THb3kFUe Published: August 7, 2019. Microsoft's Cortana.. Microsoft contractors are manually reviewing voice recordings gathered via Skype's automated translation feature and the Cortana voice assistant. ... what they describe as phone sex as part of the review process, and they also ... wouldn't like the fact that their private conversations were being joked about.... Microsoft contractors listen to certain types of Skype calls and Cortana recordings, Motherboard reported on Wednesday. The discovery adds to growing consumer unease about tech employees listening to conversations thought to be private.. According to a recent report published by Motherboard, the tech news site obtained documents, audio, and screenshots which indicate that Microsoft's contractors are in fact listening to some Skype calls made via the app's translation feature, as well as listening to voice commands spoken to Microsoft's voice assistant, .... Microsoft is the latest company charged with listening to its users calls and voice commands. A report by Vice found that contractors are listening to bits of conversations collected through Skype's translation service. Some contractors are also listening to voice commands spoken to Cortana.. Microsoft Contractors Have Access to Some Skype Call Recordings and Cortana ... Add Skype and Cortana to the ever-growing list of voice recognition ... Apple and Google temporarily suspended their contractor review and...
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